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19 January 2021 - 5 February 2021
GALATEA Innovation Clubs and B2B sessions

On the 5th of February 2021, a virtual B2B dedicated day will be organised by GALATEA. The day will start with a key presentation of the project, its ambition and its Open Call and will be followed by an entire day open to business meetings.

Know more about GALATEA's Open Call

GALATEA's Open Call will be launched the 27th of January. At the beginning of the day, the partners of GALATEA will present it in all of its aspects at the occasion of a one-hour webinar. The occasion will be for all participants to ask questions and receive clarifications about the call itself and the whole project.

Meet potential partners

On this day, all participants will have the opportunity to book virtual meetings with all participants registered to the B2B Meetings session. Everything will happen on the B2MATCH platform - for more information on the B2B functioning, the "How does it work?" session offers basic guidance.

On each participant profile will be displayed information on its expertise, its ambition and the needed complements in order to propose an application to GALATEA's Open Call.

For participant that registered to both Innovation Clubs and B2B Meetings there will be the possibility to engage the discussion during the first event and to continue it at the occasion of 1:1 exchanges during the second event.

GALATEA strongly encourages you to meticulously fill-in your profile, as this is what other partners will see before entering in contact with you!

Closed since 4 February 2021
Organised by
France 61
Poland 26
Spain 19
Romania 13
Greece 12
United States 2
Bangladesh 1
Viet Nam 1
Croatia 1
Italy 1
Germany 1
North Macedonia 1
Total 139
SME 87
Cluster partner 31
Other 10
University 3
R&D Institution 3
Large company 3
Total 137
Profile views
Before event 3631
After event 1124
Total 4755